Sunday, February 8, 2009

Campaining in Mayanot

In memory of the leader of Chabad's inaugurations on the Jewish calendar date yud shvat (this year it landed on 4th of February) we acted out his 10 campaigns. The one my group got was Kosher, something very important in keeping a body spiritually healthy. But, as I have been finding out at Mayanot, not always so physically healthy...

I decided to present "Kosher" with a skit about the different animals that are kosher and why they are. I made masks for the characters, Missy Fishy, Chicky Chick, and Meatwad. The latter being a knock-off from one of my favorite cartoons.


Emily Brown said...

noah wants to know if that is halloween?

love the creativity. so proud!

sanesara said...

Nope, just a kind of random excuse to use glitter and ribbons :)