So I have been making requests on the directors of Mayanot (the school I belong to) for a while

Each week, we have the opportunity to do an act of chesed (loving-kindness) around Jerusalem. I chose to visit the elderly. I go to a retirement home, which looks more like a hotel including a lobby, giftshops, and a shul (synagoge). Many of the people are in good health, and are very happy that we are visiting. There are people of all different backgrounds and countries of origin. I am getting to practice my Hebrew speaking skills (hahaha... like I have some).

Last time I went, I started to converse with a nice older gentlemen. He explained that he was American. I was a little confused at first because he had such a thick accent, so I asked him if he was born in America. His energy changed as he explained to me that he originally came from Germany, but that was a long time ago. I understood immediately, because this Holocaust victim had a similar air when he was reminded as others that I have met.
Later in the conversation, and without me asking about it, he told me about the city he came from in Germany. He told me about how it was one of three small towns, and how almost no one from the three is alive today. We ended the conversation with his assistant coming to take him to shul. It was time for maariv (nighttime prayer service).
...I am continually amazed at the strength of humans.
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